Relation between resistance and temperature, want to know about it? Resistance is the ability of a substance to interfere with the conduction of electricity. The relationship between this resistance and temperature is very sweet. As the heat changes, the ability to resist will also be changed. This change is different for different substances. The explanation of the change in resistance with respect to temperature in the case of conductors, semiconductors, and insulators is given below.
Relation of resistance and temperature in the case of conductors

If the temperature increases in the conductor, its resistance will be increase, and when the temperature decreases then the resistance will be decreased.

To understand the explanation of this formula you must hear a story at first. Let’s get started. One day a wedding was taking place at a community center. Many people came there to enjoy. There was a naughty boy in the community center. He spread a rumor about a bomb being present in the community center. There is only one way to exit from the community center. Now, everyone panicked and tried to get out through the door to get out first. As a result, there was a blockage at the door. But, when everyone found out it was a rumor they re-entered into the community center. As a result, the crowd lessened on the door.
Now, with this story, we can compare the conduction band of conductor. In the conduction band of the conductor, the valence band is filled with free electrons. Here we can compare the conduction band with the community center and the electron with the visitors. The visitors started running after hearing the rumor. Similarly, when the temperature rises, the electrons start moving rapidly which creates resistance to the flow of electricity in the conductor. As a result, the resistance increases. Similarly, when the temperature decreases, there is creation of less resistance to the electricity flow. As a result, the resistance will decrease. Just like the people cleared the doorway after learning about the truth of the rumor.
Relation of resistance and temperature in case of semiconductor
In the case of semiconductors, increasing the temperature reduces resistance. Again, decreasing the temperature increases the resistance.

Now let’s think about the story differently. Well, now suppose the exit doors of the community center were in many places. Again, if the guests were half than before. Then the chances of such a block in the door during escape would be less. The conduction band is also partially full in the semiconductor. So when the temperature rises, the free electron rushes around. As a result, this creates a lot of free space in the band. So, electricity can flow easily. In other words, the resistance of the semiconductor decreases. If there is a reduction in temperature, they would stop rushing. As a result, they will return to their previous position and be stationary. Due to which the obstruction in the flow of electricity increases as well as the resistance increases.
Relation of resistance and temperature in the case of insulators
In the case of insulators also, if the temperature increases, the resistance of the insulator decreases. But, when the temperature decreases, the resistance of the insulator increases.

In this case, the story is also suitable for insulator. The difference is that the number of guests will be more less than before this time. The number of exit doors will be higher. In other words, the conduction band of the insulator becomes approximately vacant. So, the boost in temperature creates a lot of open space in the conduction band. So, the way of electricity flow has been free. As a result, there is less resistance. Again, when the temperature decreases, the resistance increases.
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