Underground vs Overhead Power Lines | Which will be convenient to use?
Underground vs Overhead Power Lines - When we hear the word power line, the image of an overhead line comes to our mind first....
What is the Zero Power Factor?
Power factor is not an unknown topic for us. But still, some questions roam in our heads.
We have heard of power factor leading,...
Measurement of 3 Phase Reactive Power and Theory
Suppose, you are watching a cricket match. You have a packet of chips. And we know, the packet is not full of chips. there...
Drop Out Fuse on 11 to 33 kV Distribution Line
What do you mean by drop out fuse? Is it something that you can see in the distribution line? Let us get an idea...
Why U type jumpers provided in an overhead transmission line?
Have you ever considered understanding, why are U type jumpers provided in an overhead transmission line? What is the jumper line? What do you...
What Causes an Intermittent Power Outage and How to Solve It?
We all have an idea about the intermittent power outage, right? It is quite usual for a home or company to lose some of...
Why Power Transmission / Distribution Voltage is always 11KV, 33KV, 66KV, and 132KV?
Why are the electric power transmission distribution voltage of only 11KV, 33KV, 66KV, and 132KV? Just why are they multiples of 11? Why not...
Magnifying Transmitter – An Electrical Tesla Coil
Do you know about the magnifying transmitter of Nikola Tesla? If not, do you want to? Nikola Tesla and his inventions have always been...
PFI Panel Circuit Diagram | Power Factor Improvement Diagram
Do you know about the PFI Panel Circuit Diagram? We all are familiar with PFI (power factor improvement) panel. If the value of the...
Does a fan use more electricity at high speed? The reason behind it
Does a fan use more electricity on high speed? Have you ever thought about it? Let us first learn the working procedure of an...
3 Pole Circuit Breaker Wiring Diagram | MCB Connection
As you are aware, there are various types of 3 pole circuit breaker wiring diagram. One well-known type of 3 pole circuit breaker wiring...
What would happen if an electric power transmission line wire falls into a river?
What would happen if an electric power transmission line wire falls into a river? Today, we are going to discuss an interesting topic. Have...